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What's a Woman

It's a bit ironic that an author renown for sharing her flights of fantasy has such a strong grasp on reality. I give you J.K. Rowling....

Etched in Stone – Virtual Petroglyphs

There are innumerable granite boulders strewn about my property, part of a five-million-year-old stream bed I have been told by a...

The Pepperazzi Collection

All photographic art needn’t be serious. This series certainly isn’t. I've started with photos I've taken of the common pepper – green,...

Hidden Patterns

Hidden within each natural phenomenon is more than meets the eye. Patterns are present that are often hidden from our eyes. Prime...


This series of pictures exploits the reflection and refraction of light through wine glasses.The shape of these glasses and the bending...

Over the Top

Occasionally (OK, a little more than occasionally), I get a bit carried away. This is one of those times. Magic Carpet Ride Dale Chihuly...

Coronavirus Interlude (Plague Distraction)

Dorian Gray Sooner or later we all succumb to the ravages of time. How we perceive ourselves often conflicts with all evidence to the...

Visual Haiku

Some images abet poetry.


We’re told that this blurry, orange “donut” is an image of a black hole. It requires a level of faith at least equal to believing the...

Picture of the Day

It seems that every other road in NC leads to a church. This one is less than two miles away. Simple, yet elegant. I love the symmetry.

Picture of the Day

July 25, 2018 - This picked from our front yard and converted to B&W using NIK Silver Effects software. #calla #lily #blackandwhite

Pictures of the Day

July 22, 2018 - Butterfly Orchid - Often hard to predict what an orchid will look like before it opens fully. #orchid #butterfly

Tyranny of the Minority

July 20, 2018 - Here is a photograph from Getty Images of protesters and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, VA, August 12, 2017. ...

Elon University

July 18, 2018 - Here are a few of the sights of the Elon University Campus, located in Elon, NC (imagine that). It is a replica of its...

Sign Language

July 18, 2018 - Who knew Sea Nettles could communicate with us? But I witnessed this behavior at the Omaha Zoo and Aquarium not too...

A Physicist's Heart

July 16, 2018 - There was a time not so long ago when “global warming” was a hot topic, so to speak. We were told that the earth’s...

Best Burger in America

July 15, 2018 - Yesterday, Ana Maria and I got to taste the best burger in America at Al’s Burger Shack in Chapel Hill, NC. Located in...

Picture of the Day

July 14, 2018 - Picked from my wife's garden and photographed in black & white. Beautiful even without color. #callalily #flower

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